The Filmmakers Board is comprised of our alumni; filmmakers whose work has screened at either Film Invasion Los Angeles or the Sherman Oaks Film Festival in previous years. This board serves as the jury for our Filmmakers Awards; awards where filmmakers are given an award by their peers, not a panel of crusty old men who run a film festival.
Alan Fischer
Brian Giovanni
Cérik Delatouche
Chandra Bond
Christian Shapiro
Christopher Lockett
Claire Chubbuck
Danda Russo
Danielle Stritmatter
Darren Coyle
Jaime Saginor
James Oxyer
Jeffrey Thompson
Jennifer Vally
JM Marbach
Kay Qiao
Maria Urrutia
Michael Vaughn Hernandez
Mike Sorce
Patrick Connolly
Rachel Thomas-Medwid
Regina Hofmanova
Sam Tahhan
Sassy Mohen
Schyler Martin
Shelley Daniels
Ted Knighton
Todd Greenlee
Tom Bessoir
Xochi Blymyer