Day three was terrific! The team at FILA wishes to extend our deepest thanks to all of the filmmakers and everyone who made up the fantastic audiences.
We especially want to thank the filmmakers whose films we screened on Day Three, including Joshua Ojeda (PAPA), George Moise (Counter Clockwise), Gary Plummer (Orion), Amanda Markowitz (Love Meet Hope), Eva Chen (Being Her Friend), Jeremy Pion-Berlin (Passports), Brad Douglas (The Settling), Donald Watson (Let There Be Peace), Chris Fiore (Goodwoman), Steve Desmond (Monsters), Quincy Rose (Friends Effing Friends Effing Friends), Paulina Lagudi (This Is How), and David Guglielmo and Nick Chakwin (No Way To Live).
We thank every one of these filmmakers for sharing their work with the FILA audience.